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The Perth Mint, in conjunction with Rio Tinto Diamonds, has released a $1.4 million (A$1.8 million) single-issue three-coin collection minted from gold, platinum and rose gold and featuring a pink, purple pink and a violet diamond from the Argyle diamond mine in Western Australia.

Known as The Australian Trilogy, the collection, featuring a koala, kangaroo and a kookaburra, was unveiled by Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan and despite being the only one of its kind, is issued as legal tender under the Australian Currency Act 1965.

Andrew Kite, a managing director with Rio Tinto’s copper and diamonds business, said, “It is a beautiful symbol of the unique treasures of Western Australia and the extraordinary provenance of Australian diamonds and precious metals.”

Rio Tinto’s Argyle Diamond Mine produces virtually the world’s entire supply of rare pink diamonds, and yet less than 0.1 per cent of the diamonds produced by the Argyle mine are pink.
