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The Picture Exchange Communication System or PECS is an alternative communication system designed for people who find it difficult to normally communicate with others. PECS allows these people to communicate with the help of pictures. PECS was developed in the United States of America in 1985 by Andrew Bondy and Lori Frost as a part of the Delaware Autism Program and has been widely used ever since for the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This communication aid has also gained a lot of traction in India over the last few years. More and more healthcare specialists and hospitals are adopting the PECS portfolio as a major way forward for Autism Treatment In India, thus, bringing hope to these kids and their parents.

PECS is designed to teach functional communication techniques to autistic kids. It can be divided into six phases: basics of communication, distance and persistence, picture discrimination, sentence structure, answering questions and commenting. These six phases make PECS a holistic communication package. PECS can be used in various contexts such as schools, homes, and playgrounds. Research has shown that autistic kids who start early with PECS tend to develop speech in later part of their lives. It also helps decrease the frequency of tantrums and other odd behavioural patterns and aids in increased socialization.

PECS is not complicated and hence, you do not need to be a doctor to implement it with your child at home. You can also make it fun for your child by using it with her siblings. A number of NGOs and hospitals provide training in PECS and parents are more than welcome to attend these sessions. PECS also does not use expensive materials: only pictures and symbols, thereby, making it more affordable to people in India. PECS, coupled with medication and therapy, is certainly a revolutionary way forward for Autism Treatment In India.