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In this era, one is always looking for lenses that blend with the eyes and not make him or her feel strange or out of place. While they give a more natural vision and look to the wearer, one is supposed to take extra care and strictly follow all the do’s and don’ts.

Most of these will apply to people who need for their vision correction as well as those who wear it for decorative purposes. Most of all, one should remember that a lens is supposed to be convenient to wear, use, store and maintain. People have a variety of needs and their lenses should ideally suit their specific requirements to successfully serve their purpose.

The dos and donts

To emphasise on a few of them:

            ⁃          Contact lens are not meant to be rinsed with water under any circumstances. Refer to a doctor to get suggestions on which solutions to use.

            ⁃          Prefer wearing them according to eye size and requirements.

            ⁃          Do not substitute sterile saline cleansers with multi-purpose ones

            ⁃          See a reputable doctor and follow the prescribed schedule for wearing and taking off the lens

            ⁃          The solutions for lenses aren’t mean to reused.

            ⁃          Discard use and throw lenses after having used them.

            ⁃          In case of reusable lens, clean, rinse and air-dry every time after use for a safe and hygienic reuse.

            ⁃          For prolonged period of eye irritation, redness, pain, etc. immediately contact an eye care expert.

     ⁃            Much like the lens itself, the storage cases also require regular cleanliness from time to time to get rid of the dust and germs.

     ⁃            Beginners tend to mix up their lenses an often lot of times and create unnecessary problems unknowingly.

For the beginners, they might benefit to know that slight discomfort and irritation is usual when one is just starting out. So, people often start with a very short period of time and eventually increase the time worn for.

Eye care is a very personal and delicate issue. One should have complete knowledge of what they’re investing in and the risks involved. A detailed discussion with eye doctors and eye care professionals is definitely the best way to go. This especially applies to people who wear them for correcting eye disorders such as myopia, hyperopia and presbyopia amongst other such problems. Modern science has a solution to most human problems but it is equally sensitive and needs to be used accordingly. All in all, they should be used and maintained with utmost care and the Acuvue 2 contact lens is a good option to choose. It meets the global standards for contact lens and is recommended by customers and doctors worldwide.