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Flowerssheal is a non-profit organization that promotes the use of Bach Flower Remedies for emotional, mental, and physical well-being through seminars and consultations. Marrgalit Ramakryshanan Chordekar, a certified and registered Bach flower practitioner with The Bach Foundation International UK, founded Flowerssheal. She offers one on one consultations in person or through skype and helps people to understand their problem and give remedies accordingly. She is a therapist and she helps people who are stuck in life, progress and move on happily and easily.

Marrgalit specialized in Bach Flower Remedies for children and youngsters with learning disabilities as a result of her extensive experience in holistic medicine. Marrgalit created Flowerssheal with a passion to disseminate awareness of the simple yet deep healing technique of Bach Flower Remedies in India, as a trained therapist and Bach flower remedy practitioner.

The company provides one-on-one consultations in which the client’s entire case history is taken and customized Bach Flower Remedies tailored to the client’s needs are prescribed. They also provide workshops that provide people with an overview of Bach flower remedies, including their history, philosophy, how they function, and specific Remedies. They also give seminars about the Bach Flower Remedies in schools, corporations, and small groups to raise awareness.

The Flowerssheal is an excellent choice because it employs a Bach flower remedy practitioner who has received training, certification, and registration from the Edward Bach International Foundation UK. The company has been trained and certified to aid children with learning impairments using Bach Flower Remedies. They also offer Bach Flower Remedies and have over ten years of experience in Holistic Healing employing alternative techniques.

If you’re having problems with self-improvement, relationships, or job that’s affecting your health, make an appointment at the Flowessheal today to get support coping and dealing with your problems with clarity, confidence, and composure.

Ph No.: +918369298147, +917304818943

Email: bachflowerssheal@gmail.com