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Sex is one of the most taboo topics but it is as real as a human breathes. Everyone has their personal sex life with their meaning for being satisfied with it. For good sex life, people try to have a good lifestyle and natural medicines like ayurvedic medicines for stamina. But do you know how it can be beneficial for your body and mind?

Sex can be looked at in two ways: humans are emotional creatures too in a very emotional way for the majority of people it is a way to express their love and affection for the other human being.

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Another way of looking at it is very biological, what effects does sex have on the human body. And the answers are very dynamic. Good sex life can help people in their overall well being having good effects on the level of mind, body, and emotions.

We are going to discuss the 6 interesting facts about sex which affect you on a deeper level than you think.

  1. Releases Stress

Many studies have shown that people who have sex twice a week have low blood pressure when put in intense situations. Having low blood in stressful situations can lead to less stress and after having sex it releases stress.

  • Boost Self Esteem

People who have sex have shown an increase in their self-esteem and people who feel self-confident have shown to have good sex. So it is safe to say both of them can go hand to hand. To boost your self-esteem you can take ayurvedic medicines for strength and stamina.

  • Long Life

When engaging in sexual activity you can significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and from others. Many pieces of research have proven the relation of a long life with sex.

  • Happier

Another way of looking at sex is that it is the rush of hormones. Many harmonies are released in the process of intercourse but oxytocin is the main reason for a happy mood. Oxytocin is also known as the cuddle hormone.

  • Cure Cancer

Some research on 50-year men has shown to be less prone to cancer if having sex than people of the same age not engaging in sexual activities.

  • Improve Memory

Sex is proven to increase the memory of the participated person. This effect of increased memory is generally seen in women. Sexual activities are found to boost the growth of cells in the brain which is related to memory.


Sex is not just a medium to survive as a species on the planet but it is more than that,  especially for human beings. Human beings are creatures of emotions that become a way to express their love for their partners. This helps us be stable on an emotional level but the help is not limited to the emotional level.

You might have tried some ayurvedic medicines for sex stamina to improve your sex life but how a good sex life affects your well-being. Sex can affect your mind and body too at a much deeper level than you think. The article has gone through 6 benefits or facts about how sex is good for you.